54 wise quotes by INZ EN
Woman originated from man's rib; not from his feet to be walked on, not from his head to be superior, but from his side to be equal, under his arm to be protected, and near his heart to be loved.
When you die people cry and beg for you to come back, but sometimes when you're here, they don't even show they care about you.
You cannot treat people like garbage and worship God at the same time.
The most dangerous creature in this world is a fake friend.
When you rise in life, your friends know who you are! When you fall down, you know who are your friends!
The strongest people make time to help others, even if they are struggling with their own problems.
Don't be a parrot in life, be an Eagle. A parrot talks way too much but can't fly high but an eagle is silent and has the will power to touch the sky.
Actions always speak louder than words. Someone can yell at you for two hours... and help you. Another can smile at you for two years... and betray you.
Тrue love and loyal friends are two of the hardest things to find.
The heaviest burden you carry is the thoughts in your head.
Worry is a total waste of time. It doesn't change anything. All it does is steal your joy and keeps you very busy doing nothing.
A speaker of truth often has no friends.
Never should we complain about our parents. They have given us life. And perhaps everything they had.
The water that does not move becomes stagnant, and so does the mind that is not open to change.
A strong person is not the one who defeats the weak, but the one who helps the weak become strong.
What's meant for you always arrives right on time.
Be teachable. You are not always right.
When throwing dirt at a person, remember: dirt may not reach him, but on your hands it will certainly remain.
Some people do not hear what you say, while others hear what you think...
Happy is the one who has learned to admire, not to envy.
Not all who smile are kind, Not all who are on their knees believe in God.
Being with no one is better than being with the wrong one. Sometimes those who fly solo have the strongest wings.
One little boy, when asked what forgiveness is, gave a wonderful answer: "It is the fragrance that a flower gives when it is trampled on."
The most expensive gifts in the world are free: kindness, attention, concern, sympathy, support, love...
A person who creates habits of hard work in their children provides for them much better than by leaving them an inheritance.
Look forward - with hope, back - with gratitude, up - with prayer, down - with repentance, inward - with attention. And around - with love.
No one crosses our path by accident. And we don't go into someone's life for no reason.
If people could realize that we are merely passing through this Earth... That we are guests here... That every meeting with an acquaintance or a friend could be the last, they would be more humble and less cruel.
Apologizing doesn't always mean you're wrong and the other person is right. It means you value your relationship more than your ego.
A wise old woman used to say: - Wish health and happiness to the one who insults you, and God will know what to give them.
It's easy to look sharp when you haven't done any work.
There are few people with whom you can sit and bare your soul. Take care of them!
The world does not need our ponderings, opinions, and judgments. It is perishing because of the lack of love.
To have beautiful lips, speak only kind words. To have beautiful eyes, seek only the good in people. To have a slender figure, share food with the hungry. A woman's beauty is not in the clothes she wears, the figure she carries, or the hairstyle she has. A woman's beauty should be seen in her eyes, the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. A woman's true beauty is reflected in her soul. A woman's beauty is evident in her care and love. A woman's beauty grows as the years go by...
To help another person, you do not necessarily have to be strong and rich, it is enough to be good.
You can only talk about what you truly think with some people... With the rest, you have to think about what you say...
"What is love?" - a boy was asked. "Yesterday, I gave my jacket to a girl. She put it on, but it was me who felt warm!" - the boy replied.
A wise man once said: Don't be afraid to start over again. This time, you are not starting from scratch. You're starting from experience.
Everyone gives to others what they carry in their heart.
Do everything possible on your part. God will take care of the impossible.
Every person in our life appears exactly when we most need the lesson that he brings with him.
Never say "Never". And don't rush with "Forever" either.
There are enough judges in the world. And a friend is made to accept you.
With life as short as a half taken breath, don't plant anything but love.
Always strive to maintain peace and tranquility in your family. No matter what happens to a person during the day, when they enter their home, they should step into an atmosphere of warmth and love...
As long as you believe in God, there will always be a path for you.
One of the best things is to have someone by your side who can hug you and say that everything will be alright.
A man dreams of the perfect woman. A woman dreams of the perfect man. But they don't realize that God created them to complement each other. Perfect relationships don't exist. There is feminine wisdom that overlooks male foolishness. There is masculine strength that forgives female weaknesses.
Don't worry about whether your children will become rich. Worry about whether they will become good people.
True beauty lies not in a head filled with knowledge, but in a heart overflowing with love, ears eager to listen, and hands ready to help those in need.
It's nice to have a mom and dad. It feels somehow more peaceful.
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